Dr. Ronan-Alexandre Cherrueau
I am a research engineer at Inria Bretagne working on the Discovery initiative. My work focuses on massively distributed cloud computing infrastructures for fog/edge computing. In particular, make the OpenStack infrastructure natively distributed.
I obtained a Ph.D in computer science from the École des Mines in Nantes, France, as part of the ASCOLA research team. My Ph.D thesis defines and studies a functional language to write cloud applications that preserves users' privacy. I was advised by Prof. Mario Südholt up until my graduation in November 2016.
My research interests consider programming language, cloud computing and distributed applications. More generally, I like to experiment with different programming languages and paradigms.

IMT Atlantique La Chantrerie, 4, rue Alfred Kastler, BP 20722
44307 NANTES Cedex 3
Office: A253
GitHub, irc, twitter: rcherrueau